Member Benefits
There are numerous benefits of being a member at Magereza Sacco Society Ltd. Below are some of the benefits of being a member of a our Sacco.
About Us
Magereza DT Sacco was started in 1971 by a section of Prisons Officers then stationed at Shimo La Tewa Prison. In the same year it was registered and licensed as a limited savings and credit cooperative society. The Sacco is licensed by the Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority (SASRA) as a deposit taking Sacco. Since then, the Sacco has undergone various transformations and now boasts as one of the giant Sacco’s in the country.
The Annual Delegates Meeting (ADM) is the supreme governing authority of the Sacco. Delegates elect Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee who run and oversee the organization on behalf of the members. Members are drawn from the correction institutions including the prisons, other government departments and immediate families of the staff of these institutions. The Sacco offers both savings and credit services to this target group.
The mandate of the Sacco
- We provide advancing credit
- We provide deposit taking services
- We safeguard the shareholders assets
- We ensure the building of members welfare
Our commitment to our members
- Service: We will provide you with professional, friendly services and treat you with dignity and fairness.
- Information: We will provide you with clear, relevant, timely information and help make informed decisions about your financial needs.
- Security and privacy: We will ensure you enjoy secure and reliable services. We will treat all your personal information as private and confidential.
- Access to your money: We will ensure you can easily and conveniently access financial services through our branches, ATMs, mobile and internet banking.
- Customer care: We shall always be available to respond to your queries, complaints and feedback at all branches during working hours at our customer care center.
- Community support: We shall support and continually work towards improving living standards of the people in the community within which we operate in terms of education, environment and health.