Member Benefits
There are numerous benefits of being a member at Magereza Sacco Society Ltd. Below are some of the benefits of being a member of a our Sacco.
Membership Eligibility
The membership is drawn from:
- Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government - Correctional Services
- Other government ministries
- Parastatals with salaries check off system
- Spouses and offsprings of serving members
- Retired members
- Staff of Magereza Sacco Society Ltd.
An applicant shall be admitted to membership on approval by the Board of Directors. A membership fee of Kshs.500/ is paid on admission.
Download our Membership registration form or you can obtain it through the delegates, in our branch offices as well as at the Sacco’s Head office.
Membership rights
Subject to these by-laws, policies, stardards, values and procedures, all members shall have the rights to use the society services and exercise the rights established by the acts, the rules and the by-laws. The members are entitled but not limited to:
- Receive, periodically and regularly, or upon request, and at least once a year, a statement of accounts containing the individualized record of her/his credit and debit
- Attend and participate at a general meeting. Each member shall have one vote irrespectively of the member total share
- Elect or be elected as a member of the society unless otherwise prohibited by any other law
- Use the society services according to the policies and procedures approved by the management
- Submit project or initiatives to the management committee, for improvement of the society
- All other rights are prescribed by the Act.
Members obligations
In compliance with the Act, members of the society are obliged to:
- Attend meeting and take part in decision making
- Show good co-operation
- Inform non-members and encourage them to join the Sacco
- Bring out problems affecting the society
- Participate in society projects both financially and attend education meetings and seminars organized by the society and other organizations approved by the management
- Make use of the services of the society as stated in the object of the society.
- Comply with these by-laws, the co-operative society act, the rules and the general meeting
For more information about membership download the Society's By-Laws.